Terra Milo Terra Milo

Why I make my own Kombucha

It all started because in Lisbon, you have to touch your recyclables twice: once when you put it in the recycle bin in your house, and once when you take it out to the curbside container.

During that second touch, I noticed how many plastic kombucha bottles I used every month and I knew I could make it myself.

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Terra Milo Terra Milo

Why email sequences?

Ever feel like your brilliant newsletter content is slipping through the cracks? 🌿

I’m seeing a lot of amazing newsletters being launched lately, but they’re missing out on delivering consistent value to all subscribers.

By setting up your newsletter as a sequence, you ensure every subscriber receives all your valuable content, regardless of when they sign up.

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Terra Milo Terra Milo

Why I don’t have “success metrics”

I don’t have success metrics, despite running a marketing business for 10 years. 🤦🏼‍♀️

That makes it difficult to apply for a job because job descriptions often require someone with “demonstrated” experience.

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