My marketing mantra: Make it easy!

Do you know my marketing mantra?

It's this: Make it easy for people to do what you want them to.

It’s not manipulative or annoying. It’s actually helpful for your clients and your business.

Here’s a story to illustrate.

I love food trucks, and there’s a pizza food truck in Lisbon that I follow, but because they’re a food truck, they’re always in a new place.

They sometimes post on Instagram and say, “we’re here!” But I have no idea where “here” is because they’re a food truck.

It could literally be anywhere!

So I commented and said “where are you? ;)” (trying to be helpful, in case other people had the same question)

Instead of commenting, they messaged me.

Wow! They’re making it really difficult for people to find and buy their delicious pizza.

The lesson for you is to make it super easy for people to find you and buy from you.

Sometimes it might feel repetitive or like you’re bothering people, but I promise, it’s not.

It’s actually really considerate of your audience. They don’t have to ask for extra info, and they don’t struggle to find your services when they want them.

My calendar link is all over my website to make it easy for us to connect, not because I’m desperate, but because I want it to be easy for you to take action.

When I’m on someone’s website, I’m not going to hunt all over to find their email or calendar. If it’s easy, I’ll connect. If it’s hard, I’ll find someone who makes it easy because I can guess how the rest of the experience with them will be.

The same thing happened with a Pinterest expert. She had commented in a Facebook Group, but I couldn’t find her website.

(Here’s a video about how to put your website link on Facebook so it’s super easy for people to find it.)

Don’t assume this is done. Go check your socials and your website and make sure the next step is easy to find.

And if your clients are falling off at some point, book a call with me and we’ll fix it.

My calendar is linked here. ;)

Terra Milo

Need a solid content marketing strategy? I can help! I work with businesses and entrepreneurs to create a content calendar, upgrade website UX, and build actionable email sequences.

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How to Add Links to Your Facebook Page