Sustainable Social Justice Success Stay

for the Future


We are at the point where the cost of dealing with climate change is more expensive than preventing it. 

Taking action as a business is not a matter of sustainability OR profits. You can have both and that’s my goal for you.


When you become more sustainable, you

  • Improve operational efficiency, which will significantly save costs (source) and look good to stakeholders.  

  • Inspire loyalty among employees and customers.

  • Meet investors’ requirements for a sustainability report. 

What does it mean?

  • ESG

    ESG means Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance. Essentially, it means being responsible to the planet, the community, and all stakeholders.

  • Sustainability

    Sustainability means reducing our negative impact on the environment and also includes action toward social justice. The goal is a safe, healthy planet enjoyed by people who live with dignity.

  • CSR

    CSR means Corporate Social Responsibility and involves actions that go beyond profitability to include social objectives that make a positive difference in the world.

Making a profit is still important, but the world has changed: purpose is now the driver of long-term profitability (source).

Let’s integrate sustainability/ESG into the purpose of your business.  

Sustainability is a priority for:




“Today’s consumers expect more transparency, honesty, and tangible global impact from companies and can choose from a raft of sustainable, competitively priced, high quality products.” (source)

66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable goods, a full 73% of Millennials are.” (source

72% were more likely to be loyal to the company, and 72% also said that they’d be more likely to forgive the company if it made a mistake.” (source)


Your Team


“Research is finding that 21st-century employees are focusing more on mission, purpose, and work-life balance.” (source)

Morale improves - motivate and engage employees. (source)

Employees care about mission and social good.

Reduce turnover and recruiting expenses. 

“78% were also more likely to want to work for the company.” (source)




U.S. SEC requires climate change risk disclosures for companies and their supply chains. (source) Even if you’re not on the stock exchange, this signifies that addressing climate change is a financial priority.

Stock performance improves. (source)

If you want a loan, “good ESG standards lower the cost of capital.” (source)

“The top 100 sustainable global companies experienced significantly higher mean sales growth, return on assets, profit before taxation, and cash flows from operations.” (source

“This [nonfinancial disclosures] is the number one priority for the younger group of investors who are coming in.” (source)

The Numbers

  • “In 2013, GE had reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 32% and water use by 45% compared to 2004 and 2006 baselines, respectively, resulting in $300 million in savings.”

  • “Since 1994, Dow has invested nearly $2 billion in improving resource efficiency and has saved $9.8 billion from reduced energy and wastewater consumption in manufacturing.”

  • “80% show that stock price performance is positively correlated with good sustainability practices”

  • “companies with strong corporate responsibility reputations “experience no meaningful declines in share price compared to their industry peers during crises” versus firms with poor CSR reputations whose reputations declined by “2.4-3%; a market capitalization loss of $378M per firm.”

  • “One study estimated that companies experience an average internal rate of return of 27% to 80% on their low carbon investments.”


Why hire a consultant?

I see things from the outside, a new perspective. 

I’ve done the research so you don’t have to.

Your job is to run your space. My job is to make sure you do it in a way that is both sustainable for the planet, and profitable.

Why me specifically?

I’ve been a business owner for 9+ years and I want you to thrive financially.

I have a strong background in marketing and I studied Business Sustainability Management at Cambridge University online.

I’m a good problem solver, obsessed with efficiency, and I’ll translate complex issues into understandable, actionable language. 

I’ve been passionate about the environment and social justice since I was a child and I’m excited to turn my passion into a career.

Improve efficiency. Inspire loyalty. Increase profits.