You need a content plan

To engage consistently and stay top of mind with your ideal clients. My free 2-page PDF download and video training will give you inspiration for 6 months of newsletter content AND organize it into a content calendar!

(Here’s my Privacy Policy, so you can see how I protect your info.)

01. Inspire

You’ll get inspiration for content your followers will love. Learn where to go to find ideas for your newsletters, blogs, and videos.

02. Generate

Get my proven method for generating 6+ months of content ideas that will delight your clients and subscribers.

03. Organize

Plug all those ideas into a content calendar so you’re organized, professional, and delivering high-value content consistently.

Why You Need an Editorial Calendar

Having an editorial calendar full of content that your ideal client is looking for will:

  • set you up as an expert in your field

  • remind people that you exist (you stay top of mind)

  • help you feel organized, confident, and professional

  • allow you to express your creativity

  • give consistent value to your clients

You’re meant to tell your story and provide value to people. Having an editorial calendar with inspired content will make it happen!

About me

I’m Terra Milo, Growth Strategist and Project Manager.

Besides being a Computer Girl for more than 20 years, I’ve launched more than 100 offers, and I love supporting businesses to create a strong content calendar and marketing strategy. And I’m an entrepreneur like you!

People love this training!

Grab this content calendar now

Create and share content consistently with my free editorial calendar template and video training!

(Here’s my Privacy Policy, so you can see how I protect your info.)