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How to fail at Email

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hey there I'm Terra Milo. Welcome back to the Fail Series.

This one might be my favorite. We are talking about how to fail at emails.

I'm obsessed with emails so I'm going to share my screen, walk you through everything, and we're gonna see how to fail and how not to fail.

The Fail Series is where we talk about what to do and what not to do to grow your business, to communicate clearly, and to get more clients and today we're talking about how to fail at your newsletter.

A little bit about me first: I consider myself a pretty big failure these days but after running a business for more than 10 years now and helping hundreds of other people with their tech and marketing, I know what works and what doesn't and I want to help you avoid the mistakes that I've made and the mistakes I've seen others make so that you can really thrive in your business. Here are some numbers for you: I've got around 2 000 followers on social media, more than 200 products launched, more than 500 entrepreneurs helped, and more than nine years 10 years now in business. It's a small business but it has longevity. People keep coming back to work with me over and over again because they get the results they want and they enjoy working with me and we make sure their business succeeds.

Before we dive in, I've created a one-page freebie for you that's going to show you everything that we talk about here in this video so scroll up and grab that freebie.

The first struggle you might have is around consistency.

The key to email newsletters, the key to email marketing, is consistency.

Don't be shy! People signed up for your email. They want to hear from you so write to them.

Give them your best content consistently - once or twice a month.

You could do it weekly if you have that much content in you. It's amazing. What a gift for your subscribers! But if you don't, just be consistent: at least once a month, twice a month is even better.

And I see so many people say "oh I don't want to bother people."

You're not bothering them.

They signed up for this. They knew they were getting an email newsletter from you. That's what they opted in for so write to them often. Don't be shy about it.

Think of it as a gift, something you're giving them. You're teaching them something, you're allowing them to take action on things.

And don't be sleazy. Okay this actually happens quite often.

People send an email only when they want to make a sale and that makes us feel bad and our readers can feel that. They pick up on that bad energy and when we send an email when we only have something to sell, just I don't know we feel sleazy about it and it makes us resist sending.

To overcome that, you've just gotta write consistently.

Send them something high-value once or twice a month. That will make you feel better and then, when you're ready to send that sales email, they're looking forward to it! They're like "yeah how do I take the next step? I love what you've been giving me. I want more of it. I'm ready to invest. Let's go for it."

And maybe in those emails you've been teaching them something and they just can't implement it themselves so you send that sales email saying here's what I can do for you, they're gonna jump for that because they know what they should be doing - you've been teaching them amazing content right?

You've been teaching them really good stuff and they just don't have the capacity to do it. So you send that sales email you say "hey this is what I'm going to do for you and they raise their hand and they say yes I'm ready for that. Let's go!"

I love to do it all with email sequences so a lot of times when somebody signs up for a freebie - they opt into your email list, you send them a sequence. It's only one email, but it's a sequence it's automated and it delivers that freebie and then maybe they don't hear from you again.

So in order to stay top of mind, to give yourself a break in writing and trying to schedule and plan all this stuff, I really love email sequences.

You can batch your content - you write as much as you can, plug it all into an email sequence and that means that everyone you email gets your very best content all the time.

Because here's the difference: when you send an email as a broadcast, you schedule it you send it on a specific day, it only goes to the people who were on your list that day. But if you plug it into a sequence, they get your first email, they get your second email, they get all the emails regardless of the date that you sent it or the date that they signed up for it.

They're going to get everything that you send.

So I started doing this a few years ago because some of my first emails were really really good and like 12 people received them, so I was able to grab them and plug them into a sequence and now everybody gets the best content. And you can do that too!

You can set your emails up as a sequence so everybody gets amazing content.

This doesn't quite work for more seasonal or timely things like back to school or you know like something that is time-bound. The email sequences don't really work like that but you kind of train your brain to go "okay does it need to be seasonal? Does it need to be around back to school or something like that?

Sometimes that is helpful but a lot of times it's not.

We're giving evergreen lessons, evergreen teachings in our emails so they can be plugged into a sequence and sent whenever you write them, whenever you plug them in. They just go in the sequence and then people get it based on when they signed up.

So my sequence right now is probably 3 years’ worth of content.

That means you could sign up for my email list today and you're gonna hear from me every day for three - not every day - every month for three years without me having to write anything new!

So cool!

Imagine the peace of mind you get in your business when you know that people are consistently getting amazing content from you. It's so cool.

So let's work together! If you want to make this happen, we can do that. I can help you write better emails so I'll help you with the actual copy in the emails to make sure it's really kind of punched up so people do take action.

They're intrigued, they're inspired, and they want to work with you.

If your email list is not converting, I can help you with that.

I'll also help you automate it and set up these email sequences so people automatically get your best stuff.

I'm good at the techie things and about like planning the strategy so that you're delivering some value and then making a sale. Deliver value - make a sale.

And we can strategize that whole sequence so that it makes sense for your business and for your subscribers and we'll personalize it.

So we're going to take action, we're going to do things based on people clicking links, or the freebie that they signed up for... whatever. We're going to personalize that experience for your readers.

Nice! There you go.

When you're ready to take the next step, you can email me terra@terramilo.com, let me know you came from the Fail Series. I would love to know!

Or you can go to terramilo.com/book-me and book a spot on my calendar and let's talk and see how I can help you make your emails amazing.

And don't forget to grab the freebie above. You'll get that freebie about how to not fail at email newsletters.

Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video.
