The Best Engagement Strategy for Your Newsletter

What do you think is the best engagement strategy for your email newsletter?

(I've heard this question a lot.)

Is it to get them to click a link to read your blog, follow you on social media, or forward your email to a friend?

The best strategy is to get people to reply to your emails!

Why? Because it is highly engaging and it signals to their email program (gmail, yahoo, whatever) that YOU are someone they want to hear from.

That means your emails are more likely to end up in the inbox and not in the spam/promotions folder.
This technical advantage is cool, but on a deeper level, it also creates a conversation with people and that connection is priceless. When they are invited to reply to you, it breaks down a barrier and brings you closer to your potential clients.

Engaging in a conversation makes them feel like they're getting personal attention, which is something people are absolutely craving these days.

So next time you send a newsletter, I encourage you to add a compelling question at the end… something that is easy for them to answer and gets them to reply.

(Hint: don’t ask about their biggest struggle. That’s too vulnerable. Keep it simple.)

When you get an email from me, hit reply and tell me what question you'll ask in your next newsletter.


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