Create non-boring testimonials

Sometimes I see testimonials that are like "they're so smart." "She's really great." "You should work with her."

Nobody's going for that so let's talk about testimonials that actually convert, that convince people that you are the one they want to work with.

Those testimonials tell a story and the story goes like this: Mess - Turning Point - Success.

It starts with the mess - where they were before they worked with you. The mess was how they were unable to accomplish something and the feelings behind it, the frustration, the lack of progress around whatever it is that you help them with.

The turning point is working with you, of course.

And the success is what happened afterward. They implemented something in their business or they were able to convert more clients, they were able to get investors... whatever result they had after working with you is the success.

Mess - Turning Point - Success.

I have a process to collect all that information and make it easy to turn into a compelling testimonial.

On my Strategy Session (aka Discovery Call, Strategy Call), I have a short survey attached to gather this info. I ask

  • What area of [marketing] frustrates you the most?

  • What else do you want me to know?

  • How did you hear about me?

  • How do you feel about [marketing]?

  • Why did you sign up to work with me?

And then I give them some prompts: "I've been frustrated trying to do [this or that] and I want to do [this other thing]."

So I'm collecting this information in the sign-up form when they schedule a call with me. And then I take that information and I turn it into a testimonial.

Toward the end of a session, about 40 minutes into it, they start gushing about how amazing this session was, how much they accomplished, and how they feel now.

I grab that little snippet from the video, I go back to this initial form, and I type out the testimonial for them!

I'll say "hey I'd love to have a testimonial from you. Before we worked together here's what you said and then this is what you said on our latest call. Can I use this as a testimonial on my website?" And they say yes!

Make it easy for them.

Don't ask them to write you a testimonial.

They don't have time and even though they probably really loved working with you, it's something extra for them to do, but if you write it for them... just take their own words right out of their mouth and type it out and say "hey this is what you said, can I use this as a testimonial?" they will say yes.

Now you know the process. I don't want to see any more of those testimonials that are like "she's so great, her program is effective." That's so boring!

Let's start seeing some of those amazing testimonials!

If you want my help coming up with questions or creating this automated process, book a call with me and we’ll set up a system for you.

Terra Milo

Need a solid content marketing strategy? I can help! I work with businesses and entrepreneurs to create a content calendar, upgrade website UX, and build actionable email sequences.

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